
Personal Injury, Truck Accidents Archives

Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

Posted by Trent Kelly on August 7, 2019
Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

Most of the time you are up and about, minding your own business and living your regular day-to-day, but there are times when you can fall into mishaps. Either caused by normal circumstances, or by others. 

Most attorneys that you will encounter have specialization in certain areas that allow them to collect specialized knowledge for their chosen field. For example, here at Terry and Kelly, PLLC we specialize in Car Accidents and Motorvehicle Accidents, which allows us to help victims with more precision than a general Injury Lawyer.  

There are a number of injuries that can happen, like Truck Accidents, Car Accidents, Scooter Injury or Distracted Driving Accidents, with some injuries getting as serious as Spinal Cord Injuries, or even Wrongful death. Personal Injury can happen anywhere, at any time, for any number of reasons. However, some personal injury claims occur more often than others. 

What are the most common types of personal injury claims?

  • Motor vehicle Accidents: There are many kinds of personal injury claims, but the most frequently occurring typically involves a Motor vehicle Accident.  Despite driving carefully, and making sure you take any kind of precaution related to moving on the road, accidents aren’t always your fault. You could be strolling slowly down Main Street Austin when all of a sudden you get impacted from a distracted driver passing a red light.  The implications of such injury could vary, but concussions could be expected from an impact that great. Not to mention if you happen to be cruising on your motorcycle or on your Moped. Being inside of a Truck does not free from damage, and they certainly don’t make you immune to the impacts of an unexpected, devastating crash. Though it is true that you are in a more structurally sound vehicle than a regular 4-door sedan, a crash is a crash. When a crash happens, no matter the circumstances, there could be injuries involved. 

  • Brain and spinal cord injuries: One would like to think that a massively impacting Injury on the spinal area if infrequent, or uncommon, but there is a very significant amount of American drivers, pedestrians, and Austinites that get involved with a spinal injury. According to the Spinal Cord Injury Model System, on average, there are 12,500 new SCI Cases per each year. 

  • Wrongful Death: If the death of a person was due to misconduct or negligence, a surviving family member of the victim can legally sue under “Wrongful Death”. Usually, almost all of the lawsuits involving wrongful death proceed a criminal trial with almost the same evidence, but with a much lower standard of proof. Typically the person that is found liable for the death could be convicted of a crime.

If you or a family member have experienced any of the above cases and would like to reach out to tell us your story please get in contact with Terry and Kelly, PLLC. We can also help those that have been victims of personal injury, and get you the justice that you and your family deserve. Let us help make things right. Call now!

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