
Drunk Driving Accidents, Injury Attorney

Injured in a Drunk Driver Accident in the Austin College Area?

Posted by Trent Kelly on November 29, 2021
Injured in a Drunk Driver Accident in the Austin College Area?

Accidents and injuries caused by drivers who are drunk or under the influence of drugs are completely preventable. This can make the aftermath of the accident even more difficult, as you are dealing with injuries and losses that should never have happened. Unfortunately, these crashes are particularly common near colleges and universities, as students can make poor choices to drive after drinking.


If you suffered injuries in a drunk driving crash, contact an Austin DUI victim accident attorney for help right away.

Texas Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

According to reports from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the DUI crash statistics for a recent year include:

  1. 910 fatal DUI crashes resulting in 1,024 DUI fatalities
  2. 1,594 suspected serious DUI crashes resulted in 2,169 suspected serious injuries
  3. 3,530 possible injury DUI crashes resulting in 5,841 possible DUI injuries
  4. 3,914 non-incapacitating DUI crashes resulting in 5,666 non-incapacitating DUI injuries

All of these drunk driving accidents were preventable, and every driver who caused injuries or fatalities should be accountable for the losses of victims.

College and Young Adult Drunk Driving

Drunk driving among college students in the Austin area is a big problem. Austin has plenty of nightlife opportunities for your students, who might struggle to make the right decision after a night of drinking. Age is no excuse, however, as all drivers should be well aware of the risks of drunk driving.

To try and combat this problem, TxDOT is focusing on young adults and college students through the statewide impaired driving campaign known as Drive Sober, No Regrets. The campaign is designed to save lives and reduce crashes among young people while making the roads safer for everyone.

What To Do After a Drunk Driving Accident

If you are injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, there are a few things you can do to protect your legal rights. Some of these include the following:

  1. Call the police. To the extent, you can, dial 911 and ask for police to be dispatched to the accident scene. The police will investigate the accident, and any arrests they make can help in making your case for compensation down the road.
  2. Seek medical attention. Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious, it is important that you seek medical care. This is because some of the injuries could be internal and not manifest for a few days, but they could be detected if you immediately seek medical attention. Also, seeking medical attention establishes a record that insurance companies require to assess your injuries and losses.
  3. Do not discuss the accident with anyone other than your lawyer, and certainly do not discuss the accident on social media.
  4. Do not accept an offer of payment from the other driver directly.
  5. Do not accept a settlement offer from an insurance company’s adjuster without first having an experienced car accident lawyer review your case and the offer.

Consult with an Austin DUI Victim Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver in the Austin college area, a drunk driving accident attorney at Terry & Kelly Injury Lawyers are ready to help. Please contact our office today for a free consultation today.

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