
Pedestrian Accidents Archives

The Dangers of Being a Pedestrian in Austin Texas

Posted by Trent Kelly on January 24, 2022
The Dangers of Being a Pedestrian in Austin Texas

Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents are quite common in Austin. A recent study ranked Austin higher for pedestrian risks than larger cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago. Even when pedestrian accidents aren’t fatal, these accidents can still cause serious injury, and victims should speak with a Personal Injury Attorney about their rights.

Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries in Austin

Since pedestrians are completely exposed and unprotected, they are at a severe disadvantage when involved in an accident. Factors such as where the accident occurred, the size of the vehicle involved in the accident, the vehicle’s speed, and many other factors impact how severe the pedestrian’s injury may be.

Common injuries from a pedestrian accident include:

    1. Severe cuts and lacerations
    2. Broken bones
    3. Internal bleeding
    4. Leg and knee injury
    5. Spinal cord injury
    6. Traumatic brain injury
    7. Nerve damage
    8. Torn ligaments

Many times, the severity of the pedestrian’s injuries can cause medical bills and emergency surgeries to become financially crippling. One of our car accident lawyers in Austin, TX can help you or your loved one recover the costs for medical expenses caused by a pedestrian accident.

What causes pedestrian accidents in Austin?

Oftentimes, pedestrian accidents are caused by the negligence of the driver of the vehicle. Common causes of pedestrian accidents are:

    1. Distracted driving: There are many forms of distracted driving, but recently, texting and driving have become a common cause of accidents.
    2. Speeding: When a driver fails to follow the speed limit, the driver is less likely to be able to stop before striking a pedestrian or avoid striking the pedestrian.
    3. Disobeying traffic signs or right of way: It’s nearly impossible for a pedestrian to navigate the roadway safely when vehicles are not obeying the rules of the road. Pedestrians generally have the right of way in crosswalks, but not all drivers will yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. In addition, many drivers fail to follow traffic signs or signals.
    4. Driving under the influence: Any driver who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol is much more likely to participate in the behaviors listed above, leading to collisions with pedestrians.

Safety Tips for Pedestrians in Austin

While it’s important for drivers to be attentive, it’s also important that pedestrians don’t inadvertently put themselves at risk. There are a few simple ways pedestrians can help reduce the risk of accidents:

    1. Use sidewalks when they are available. If they’re not available, walk facing traffic and hug the edge of the road.
    2. Use crosswalks and intersections any time they are present. If there is no crosswalk, only cross in a well-lit area.
    3. Always be alert to traffic and keep your eyes on the road. Even if you’re at a crosswalk, make sure to look both ways before crossing.
    4. Wear bright clothing and/or reflective materials, so you’re visible to vehicles.

Contact an Experienced Austin Pedestrian Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in an accident at the fault of a driver, contact our Experienced Pedestrian Injury Attorneys at Terry & Kelly Injury Lawyers today. We can help you protect your rights and recover the compensation you deserve.


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